Saraswati Homam
Saraswati homam chennai Goddess Saraswathi is the wife (consort) of Lord Brahma and possesses the power of speech, wisdom and learning. She has representing four aspects of human personality in learning mind, intellect, alertness, and ego. Saraswathi homam is the controller of Vidya called vidya devatha. In the case of a man stammers his stammering will be controlled by this homa. By performing this homa are will be blessed with success in the examination. He will be having better concentration level and confidence will increase. Conducting this homa once in a year is essential for educational progress.
Goddess Saraswati, the consort of Lord Brahma, is the presiding Deity of all forms of Vidyas - i.e., learning. She is the Goddess who grants us success in Education, research, music, singing, dancing, acting, painting, sculpture etc. She is also the ruler of speech and called Vagdevi. In the orthodox Hindu tradition, before starting anything one salutes one's Guru, Ganesha and Saraswati. These three salutations are called Vandana Trayee. For those seeking better results in studies, or proficiency and success in arts, dance, music etc., or for those suffering from speech defects like stammering lisping etc, Worship of Devi Saraswati is highly recommended.We offer the following Saraswati Poojas.
The Goddess Saraswati is worshipped as the Goddess of Learning, the deity of Gayathri, the fountain of fine arts and science, and the symbol of supreme vedantic knowledge. Goddess Saraswati is the goddess of knowledge, education and intellect. She is controller of education, intelligence and speech. Knowledge is power and from Vedic times, Goddess Saraswati is regarded as the giver of wisdom. Every human being requires knowledge, intelligence & learning for running their day-to-day's activities and it is believed since vedic ages that by worshiping Devi Saraswati somebody can keep his / her all those senses (knowledge, education and intellect) active. School going students or students pursuing higher studies, Teachers, Doctors , Lawyers, Scientists, Service holders or Business men worship Devi Saraswati homam for getting her blessing in this regard.
Devi Saraswathi homam is the consort of Lord Brahma and is the Goddess of Wisdom and Knowledge. She is the personification of knowledge - arts, science, crafts. She represents Shakti, creativity and inspiration. By performing Puja and Homam to goddess Saraswati one is blessed with success in the examinations, gains concentration and his memory power increases. For acquiring spiritual wisdom also, the grace of Goddess Saraswathi is very essential. It is believed that on Offering Pujas to Devi Saraswati students will perform well in the examinations and Only good thoughts spring up in their minds.
Devi Saraswati homam is sometimes described of having four hands. Two hands holding and playing Vina (violin), one holding aksamala (rosary which signifies concentration, meditation, and contemplation) and fourth hand has a Book ( a symbol of true knowledge). Her four hands represent four aspects of human personality in learning: mind, intellect, alertness and ego.
Homam Details

Ganapathy Homam
Ganapathy Homam is the best solution to overcome all the obstacles from life. It provides..

Navagraha Homam
Navagraha Homam is performed to remove all the hurdles in life and to attain ‘Ayur, Arogya and Iswaryam..

Lakshmi Kubera Homam
Lakshmi Kubera Homam being done for those who are looking for wealth and prosperity in life. It is also..

Ayush Homam
Ayush Homam is performed to worship the Ayur Devatha. By performing this Homam, one

Saraswati Homam
Saraswati Homam is performed to improve one’s learning capability, knowledge, analytical..

Vastu Homam
Vaasthu Homam is performed to remove the ill effects arising from the errors of the

Mrithyunjaya Homam
Mrithyunjaya Homam helps to moderate the dangers to life due to serious ills..

Sudharsana Homam
Sudarsana Homam is regarded as the best protection from all evils, enemies, accidents...

Lakshmi Narasimha Homam
Lakshmi Narasimha Homam is performed to get relief from debts and to attain good health...